Categories: Cross Stitch

My Story


My #2 passion …wait, you already forgot what my first passion is??? If so, go back to my About Me page again to refresh your memory ..LOL… as I was #2 passion is my love of cross stitching.  My mom first taught me when I was 14.  I did a bit here and there but didn’t get really passionate about it until about 7 years ago when I found a Facebook group for cross stitching.  Wow…did a whole new world of stitching open up to me then!

I just want to share a quick little something about the picture you see above.  I designed this and converted it into a cross stitch pattern.  Then it was sent around the world to be stitched by about 30 or so members of my Facebook group Cross Stitch Club.  Pretty amazing, huh?  It was amazing that this made it around to all the different places and didn’t get lost!  It was done to be raffled off to raise funds for the Hershey Ronald McDonald House at the first retreat I hosted in 2015.

As much as I wanted to have this in my house, I did not purchase any tickets for this. But when it came time to do the drawing and I drew the winning ticket, my name was on it!  But how was that possible if I did not purchase any tickets?  Well there was a little plan put in action by the stitchers that they all wanted me to have it so they conspired that everyone that bought a ticket for it put my name on the back.  SNEAKY!  LOL

The emotions I felt at that moment almost had me in tears! I felt very loved and I will forever cherish this and the fond memories of this and all other retreats.

More about me and why I am so passionate about my cross stitching

Back in either late 2013 or early 2014, I stumbled upon a Facebook Group called Cross Stitch Club.  Not long after I joined, I started seeing notifications to approve people to the group (and I was still fairly new to FB groups so I really didn’t understand how they operated). So I asked an admin if I was an admin of the group because I was getting these notifications to approve people.  She was like no, but do you want to be?  I said “sure!”  Well that was all she wrote…I went crazy with it! LOL Up until that point, the group was not really a “group”.  There was not much interaction.

I started doing activities and events and we have become what I think is one of the best groups on Facebook (am I a little biased or tooting my own horn?  hmmm…maybe, but I don’t think so and I think my group members will agree with me! lol)  If you want to be part of a stitching community that is like family, please come join us at Cross Stitch Club Originals.  It will ask you to answer a question and in that answer, if you could please let me know that you have joined because you saw it on this website “”, I would greatly appreciate it!

Not long after becoming admin of Cross Stitch Club Originals, I started hosting retreats for this group.  I have hosted 3 so far and our 4th one is coming up in September 2018.  You can get more information by clicking here to be taken to the retreats page that contains more details.  Also be sure to join my newsletter as I will be using that as a way to communicate new details regarding these retreats as well as new products I may come out with (and you may also get the occasional newsletter to just check in on you and offer some motivation or inspiration to brighten your day!)

I also plan to do random drawings probably about once a month for free items for those that are on my subscription list.  Who doesn’t like free, right?  So if you haven’t subscribed yet, go do it now so you don’t miss your chance for a freebie!

Through my love of cross stitch, I have started a worldwide project with the Ronald McDonald House organization.  I am not going to go into a lot of detail here, but please check out the story under ” Worldwide Ronald McDonald House Project” for more information and if you would like to help with this project, please join the Facebook group that you will find mentioned here.  I need LOTS more help to complete this project that has already brought so much warmth and cheer to so many people around the world!

I love to help people any way I can and part of that is sharing my love of cross stitch and providing a service of personalization with my products.

My Goals

I created this blog to share my passion of the wonderful art of cross stitching (and yes, it IS an art! lol).  I want to be an inspiration, whether it be to get you motivated in your stitching or just to make your day a little brighter! It is my hopes that you will enjoy my site and that you will join me in my Cross Stitch Club Originals Facebook group and hopefully attend one of my wonderful retreats and make the friendships that I have with all these caring cross stitchers.  I have heard that cross stitching is a dying art.  Well I say “NO WAY!” 🙂

In the upcoming weeks, I will be doing feature stories on various cross stitch charity projects that have come about to help people cope with tragedy and let them know that people do care! Hopefully you will be inspired to help them in their causes!

With your help, we can keep our art growing!  If you like my page, please share it with anyone else that you think might like it.  This site is a work in progress, but I have high aspirations that it will be great and that I will make many new friends and maybe bring some new stitchers to the community!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. Please also leave me a comment below and let me know what you think of my page and please also join my subscriber mailing list to keep up to date on all my happenings with special projects and future retreats.

All the best,

Fae Kuhn

Admin of Cross Stitch Club Originals on Facebook


View Comments

  • Lisa,

    Thank you! I love making people smile! I love writing the stories too. I started writing fairy tale stories when I was like 8 years I also took a creative writing class in high school and really enjoyed it. I have been told I have a way with words...maybe I missed my calling and should have went into Journalism, huh? LOL But it's never too late though, is it? Now I have found a way to get back to writing and using it to spread cheer among the cross stitch community! Thanks for visiting and hope you will stick around and visit often!

  • Hi Fae,I enjoyed reading the stories on your site.I am looking forward to this years retreat.IT will my second time attending.THanks for all that you do !BRenda

    • Brenda,

      I am glad you enjoy them! I enjoy writing them! I look forward to seeing you at the retreat in September. And man, am I going to have some fun writing stories about the retreat for my site once it's over! LOL Might have to have a pen and paper with me throughout the entire time to take notes of things to remember to include! LOL

  • Fae, I am not a cross stitcher but I am fascinated by the finished products. I love your designs.

    When I was younger I did do a lot of quilting for my friends' children. (I never wanted children so they were a good substitute.) But I used a machine. My fingers are sort of double jointed so the ache a bit if work gets a bit fine.

    What I did was design cot quilts on which I put animals with movable parts. For example a frong with fore arms loose and hands clasped. (That one was tacked down so no child could get stuck in it.) Or another was a bunny with floppy ears and fluffy tail.

    Funnily enough many of these ended up as wall hangings once the cots were retired!

    It was great fun and produced many happy faces.

    You have a very worthwhile site here. Keep up the good work.


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